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International School Meals Day 2016 - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Mar 1, 2016

Schools around the world will celebrate International School Meals Day (ISMD) on Thursday, March 3. This special day emphasizes the integral importance of nutrition in education. This year's theme was "fresh and healthy local foods."

Planet Aid's Food for Knowledge Project in Mozambique ensures that children at the schools we reach not only receive a daily meal of corn-soy porridge, but have seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables obtained from their school gardens. (You can learn more about Food for Knowledge by clicking here).

As part of ISMD, the children have been sharing their thoughts and creating artwork. Here are a few snapshots showing what they have been doing. You can read and see more from Mozambique and elsewhere at the International School Meals Day website.

Joana Titos Vilanculo, Mungazine Primary School

Joana says that she and her brothers and sisters are the happiest when they eat food from the garden and enjoy the flavors that fresh fruits and vegetables offer. "We in Mungazine produce cassava, green maize, beans, pumpkin leaves, cabbage, lettuce, peanuts, pineapple, and tomatoes," she writes. "They help us to prevent diseases when we are ill. The peanuts, the lettuce, the cabbage, cassava, and other products are good for your health."

Luis JorgeTembe, Mungazine Primary School

Luis Jorge is a perceptive boy with a great desire to express many things. He studies every detail around him and draws it on paper. He is inspired by scenes from the machamba (field), which he has observed since childhood. Corn, cassava, and peanuts are the basis of his family's diet. He feels lucky to have fresh and healthy food. Luis Jorge dreams of being a teacher someday.

Olivio Zefanias Tembe, Muchocolote Primary School

Olivio made a painting of the garden at his school as he recalled it from last year. Since planting season has just started, the garden at Muchocolote Primary School is not as full yet as the one in Olivio's painting, but the teachers and students will soon cultivate lettuce, pepper, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes to enrich their daily school lunch provided by the Food for Knowledge Project.

Sabie Primary School

Students at Sabie Primary School are excitedly preparing to celebrate ISMD. As part of the festivities, the school will be planting the seeds of a number of vegetables, such as onions, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, and cabbage.

Read more about Food for Knowledge.