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Planet Aid Makes Donation to Soup Kitchen, Shelter - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Mar 1, 2021

Planet Aid recently donated more than $500 to the Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter (NSKS) in Nashua, N.H.

"Every day at NSKS we see the difficulties that our neighbors endure when trying to support themselves and their families while their income is below the poverty level," said Michael Reinke, NSKS Executive Director.

Many NSKS clients are working hard to better their situation by seeking education or employment. However, if one does not have an ID, one cannot apply for a job or enroll in school. Without a birth certificate, one cannot apply for an ID. And, if someone was born out of state, how do they access their birth certificate? It's a frustrating cycle that can easily lead to giving up.

"Donna, our employment and education advocate, works with clients to navigate the bureaucracy and cost barriers, enabling clients to access the documents needed to move forward," Reinke added. "Although this is not an expensive exercise -- typically $15 for a birth certificate and $10 for an ID -- the bureaucracy can be daunting, and $25 can be a large sum of money for someone living on the edge. [Planet Aid's] generous support of NSKS enables us to fund this program and employ essential staff, such as Donna, who are able to assist our clients in their efforts to improve their lives."