Blog | Planet Aid

"Just One Bag" Campaign - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Nov 11, 2013

Did you know that the average American throws away 70 pounds of clothes and shoes every year?  The reason is that most people do not know that nearly 100% of used and unwanted textiles can be recycled.

We want to change this reality. Today, Planet Aid is launching its Just One Bag Campaign. Along with taking the America Recycles Pledge, we are asking everyone to gather up the clothing they no longer wear and are likely to discard in the next year and to drop it off at their nearest Planet Aid recycling bin. By recycling Just One Bag of your unwanted clothes and shoes you save valuable natural resources. For example, 10 pounds of clothing and shoes (One Bag!) prevents 30-40 pounds of C02 gases from polluting the atmosphere, conserves 5,000 gallons of water, and avoids chemical fertilizer and pesticides from being spread on fields that would be used to manufacture new fibers.

But that's not all. By dropping off clothing in a Planet Aid bin you help support development and community-based projects that improve health, aid vulnerable children, train teachers, and enhance the overall quality of life for people across the globe.

Wait, there is more. Just One Bag of used clothes creates job opportunities and supports small businesses. The selling and reselling of used clothing supports a complex commercial network that benefits many thousands of enterprises and small entrepreneurs. In short, Just One Bag leads to a triple win that benefits the environment and people.

So remember, recycling cans, bottles, and paper is important, but you shouldn't stop there.  Join us on America Recycles Day to reduce textile waste.  By recycling Just One Bag (of clothes and shoes) you will walk more lightly upon the planet and help people too. Find your local Planet Aid bin today!