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Planet Aid Applauds New York Bin Law - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Dec 17, 2015

The New York State Assembly passed a bill regulating placement, maintenance, and labeling of clothing collection bins in the state.   The bill was signed into law by Governor Cuomo on December 14.

The law requires bin operators to obtain written permission from either the property owner or lessee for placement of a bin on someone's property.  Clear labeling is also required to increase transparency, which must include contact information and whether the organization collecting the clothing is a nonprofit or for-profit business.  

Regular maintenance requirements are also imposed by the law to ensure "aesthetic presentation."  All of the provisions will be enforced and the violators subject to a fine, the amount of which depends on the nature of the transgression and its frequency.

"We are pleased to see this law finally go on the books. It ensures that all operators will behave in a responsible way and not abuse private property owners or the public by making false claims."

—Ester Neltrup, Planet Aid President

Planet Aid is a long-time supporter of rational bin laws, and has worked with communities across the country in developing local regulations.  For more information see our Government Resources page. Visit our local pages to read what we are doing in Upstate New York and in the greater New York and New Jersey area.