Local governments partner with Planet Aid, a nonprofit leader among textile recycling organizations.
Partner with Planet Aid to reduce textile waste, increase diversion rates and engage the community.
Host a Planet Aid donation bin.
Our textile donation bins help local governments working to increase diversion rates on the path to zero waste. There are no costs, risks, or obligations. Donated clothes and shoes are resold and reused, helping raise funds for good causes.
Track and publicize your diversion rates.
Planet Aid’s success is tied to the success of our partners. That’s why we track and report how many pounds of used clothes and shoes our partners help divert from the waste stream. Publicize your progress to mobilize support from your community.
Customized textile reuse programs
We customize textile reuse programs to fit the unique needs of different communities. As a nonprofit dedicated to removing textiles from the waste stream, we are eager to address your community's unique needs to make our partnership successful.
Through our partnerships, Planet Aid has diverted 1.8 billion pounds of textiles from landfills.

partnerships with local governments to reduce waste

recycling centers

municipalities share diversion rates with Planet Aid

A Word from Our Partner
"Hosting Planet Aid clothes collection bins located throughout our town has been very convenient for our residents. Recycling and reusing textiles is an important part of creating a sustainable waste stream."
Board of Health Agent in Bellingham, MA
Stay up-to-date with the latest events and happenings with Planet Aid - from your local community to our efforts abroad.
Partnering with Planet Aid is free! We do all the work! Your community and the environment benefit.
Contact Planet Aid for additional information or to submit a request.
Planet Aid is committed to the success of our partnerships with local governments. Our exceptional customer service, responsiveness and attention to detail are just a few of the ways Planet Aid superior customer service. Contact us with any questions or to request support. We’re eager to help.