Bristol Meyers Squibb Foundation Combats Diabetes in India

Planet Aid, India, BMS, Bristol Meyers Squibb, diabetesDiabetes is rapidly becoming a global epidemic, with twice as many adults afflicted by the disease today than in 1980.  In India, type 2 diabetes has been spreading at an alarming rate, with approximately 62 million people currently living with diabetes and 77 million people being on the threshold with pre-diabetes. 

To help address this situation, the Bristol Meyers Squibb Foundation announced yesterday -- on World Diabetes Day -- that it is partnering with Humana People to People India on a new initiative aimed at fighting the disease.

The two-year initiative is focusing on reducing diabetes-related morbidity and mortality and preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes through timely intervention and home-based care.  The project will involve a door"to"door campaign covering 200,000 individuals in the Jodpur Rural Block of the Jodhpur District of Rajasthan.

Building on a proven community mobilization model utilized by HPPI, the project will identify type 2 diabetes patients, while also organizing, educating and mobilizing families and entire communities to improve lifestyle habits and the self-management, care and support of patients. The project will include systematic training for healthcare workers;  school teachers; as well as NGOs, community groups, and local leaders. 

Planet Aid wishes the partners all the best in launching their initiative. We are sure that it will make a vital difference in reducing the impact of the disease. For more information about Planet Aid's support of projects in India, see our India page.