New Year! New Resolutions!

"A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other." - Author Unknown

So how are your New Year resolutions working out? If you're like most, you promised to keep one or more resolutions to kick off 2012. For some unknown, but fortunate reason, the start of a new year inspires us to do things differently. We desire a new outlook, or a fresh approach to our standard routine.

We promise to lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking, get organized, start a new career, volunteer for a cause, improve relationships, and so on. Do any of these sound familiar? They should, because many of us make the same promises year after year. But that's okay - many of us are optimists at heart and succumb to the ritual. And why not, we have a whole year in front of us to break old habits or try to develop new ones.

Anything is possible in January

However, those who keep statistics on New Year's resolutions say we will abandon most resolutions after just two months. But despite our less than spectacular success rate, we strive to better ourselves. Many of us believe a new year brings renewed enthusiasm and hope that "this year might be different."

Realistic, specific, and measurable

So let's stay on this positive note for a minute and look at ways to improve our chances of keeping our resolutions. Experts say there are three keys to achieving our resolutions: keep them realistic, specific, and measurable. Also, early success with one resolution, they say, motivates us to stick with the other promises on our list. While we at Planet Aid don't pretend to be "resolution experts" we do offer a surefire way to experience some early success with your resolutions. Make a resolution to donate the clothes you don't use. It's realistic, specific, and measurable. Pull out the pants, sweater, or shoes you haven't worn in years and take them to your nearest Planet Aid bin.

Decluttering - instant gratification

It's quick and easy and you will experience satisfaction from clearing out personal clutter. There's something cleansing about getting rid of things we no longer need. - and our closets are prime clutter collectors. Just pulling a few things off hangers results in a cleaner closet and the impact is immediate. We see a roomier closet and we experience instant gratification. Thereafter, you can periodically donate more clothes or those from family members. Donating clothes may also help motivate you to reach your other resolutions - weight loss, fitness, organization, recycling, and doing good for others. Clothes and shoes you donate to Planet Aid keeps them from winding up at your local landfill. Donated clothes help Planet Aid fund international aid missions, provide jobs here and abroad, and supply much-needed clothing for those less fortunate. The term "think globally, act locally" truly applies to your donations to Planet Aid. This year give yourself a chance to keep at least one resolution. One small act of charitable giving has many benefits.